Raising global children does not have to cost much money, nor does it require hundreds of hours of free time. The single most important part of raising global children is to instill in them the right attitude.
Read MoreRaising global children is one of the most important things that we, as parents, can do for our children – and for the long-term prosperity of our country. Working together, teachers and parents can raise global children, expanding their personal horizons and opening up a world of personal and professional opportunities.
Read MoreRaising Global Children is packed with practical information, hundreds of tips and dozens of real-life stories. This combination parenting-educational advocacy book is the first of its kind to detail what raising global children means, why global awareness is important and how to develop a global mindset.
Read MoreTeacher Treks is an innovative program that recognizes the importance of travel and cross-cultural experiences as a critical teaching contribution. If you are a teacher or know one, the application deadline is March 15, 2013.
Read MoreChoosing a college is tough. You want the fit to be right, but you also want to graduate and get a job. Read on for some alternative thinking on choosing the best campus.
Read MoreIn an effort to collect data on raising global children, my writing partner, Rebecca Weiner, and I have created a short, anonymous survey. Appreciate it if you’d take it!
Read MoreGuest blogger Angela Jackson writes about the easy yet important ways to keep up the global learning over the summer.
Read MoreAs parents, teachers, administrators, politicians and businesses, we must work together to revamp our school districts and curricula so that we graduate globally competitive and competent students who are prepared to work in the global marketplace. We cannot say that we’re preparing our students for the 21st century if we don’t include foreign language study.
Read MoreToday many Americans work abroad, competing with global graduates proficient in three to four languages and ever-stronger emerging market talent pools. Companies want globally competent employees – including multilanguage competency. Few starting out today could succeed as I did speaking only English.
Read MoreInterested in cooking up some tasty revolutionary Chinese food? You might want to check out The Cultural Revolution Cookbook by Sasha Gong & Scott Seligman.
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