Get Ahead By Going Abroad

$14.95 (paperback), $13.99 (eBook), $17.95 (audio) / HarperCollins & SNB Media LLC

Now, more than ever, international experience is critical. Working abroad can fast-track your career, broaden your professional capabilities, increase your pay and expand your personal horizons. And for recent graduates, working overseas may be the single greatest opportunity to land a job that not only pays the bills, but launches you on a successful career track.

Get Ahead by Going Abroad is the go-to resource that reveals how women, single or married, can leverage this trend to showcase their skills and move up quickly on their own terms. Written by two women who did so with huge success, the book is packed with candid, instructive anecdotes and examples from their own and others’ experiences, and step-by-step guidance for securing and succeeding in an international position. The book covers all the essentials from negotiating the best contract to navigating a successful return.

“…a must-read for anyone serious about going global.”

Stacie Nevadomski Berdan and C. Perry Yeatman show how women at every level can benefit from an overseas posting: young professionals seeking to break out from the pack, mid-career women interested in new challenges with increased responsibility, or senior executives in pursuit of positions in executive management. Get Ahead by Going Abroad helps you get further, faster—and have fun along the way. It gives you the strategies to land the assignment, thrive in the job and enjoy the lifestyle abroad.


“In my three years in Asia, I grew both professionally and personally. From getting used to being the only woman in a room full of Japanese men to managing the cultural divide between myself and my Hong Kong team to managing multiple currencies, cultures and business protocols — sometimes in a single day — I faced challenges I had never encountered before. My business savvy, management skills, and stature within the company increased quickly, as did my title and salary.” –Stacie, Coauthor

“I was a 25-year-old account executive making $25,000 a year when I accepted my first job overseas. By the time I returned to the U.S. 10 years later, I was a vice president in one of the world’s largest consumer products companies, making more than twentyfold what I had when I left. I worked hard, played hard, learned a lot and had fun. None of it would have happened if I’d stayed in the United States.” –Perry, Coauthor

Stacie’s compilation of top media hits for “Get Ahead By Going Abroad.”

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