Go Global!

$11.99 (paperback), $4.99 (eBook) / SNB Media LLC
Go Global! Launching an International Career Here or Abroad is the go-to resource that reveals how you can tackle this exciting yet daunting challenge! Learn how to develop the necessary skills to identify and land a job in a world that has become increasingly interconnected and globally driven in the past decade. Employers are looking for special skills in today’s workers and you must know how to package your global brand to get a job. Go Global! is based on research, interviews with hundreds of successful internationalists, and Stacie’s years of experience living and working internationally. Go Global! is the go-to guide that provides practical advice to help you think globally in an increasingly competitive global workplace; build relevant international cred; develop a killer job search strategy; create a winning global resume, cover letter, and elevator pitch; and launch your fast-tracking international career.
“Language study and other global coursework, globally-oriented extracurricular activities, time abroad, internships, even having international friends will all make huge differences when you job hunt.”
Go Global! is filled with personal stories, real-life examples, and success strategies readers can easily follow, such as:
- Deciding if going global is right for you: 15 questions to ask yourself
- Increasing your chances of getting a global assignment: Top 10 tips from the experts
- Building your international qualifications: 5 skills you need & 10 tips to grow the global you
- Developing a successful job-search strategy: 4 critical steps every globalist should take
- Getting ready to work in China: 12 tips from a seasoned China hand
“As I applied for internships, in every single interview I was questioned about my languages. I’ve been asked which ones I speak, how long I studied, have I ever been out of the country. Employers love to see that you are culturally aware. Foreign languages are becoming essential to succeed in in the future. Bon chance!” – Ben Paulker
“In a rapidly globalized world, our generation either becomes international players – or we’re left behind.” – Robert Fried, Founder of Chinese Language Institute
Stacie discusses “Go Global!” on NYC PIX Channel 11.