Fall is upon us and students are (mostly) back on campus. Many students will head to the global studies or study abroad office in the early days, planning ahead for the spring semester, or perhaps figuring out how best to incorporate study abroad into their academic program. I’ve put together a list of the most […]
Read MoreInternational students are seeking a combination of intellectual and cross-cultural experiences that will prepare them to succeed in the global marketplace. With billions of dollars of funding, cutting-edge research and innovation, and unmatched flexibility on more than 4,700 campuses, the United States offers unparalleled educational opportunities. We hope students and their parents will find this book a useful overview and guide to the sometimes confusing array of information available today.
Read MoreI’m a big supporter of study abroad, but we must help students prepare for it, experience it, and return better for it. Colleges have a big role to play.
Read MoreWhether you’re going abroad for work, study, volunteer or pleasure, the odds are you will experience culture shock. Although culture shock hits those harder who are moving abroad, even if only for a few months, everyone experiences it somewhat, so it’s a good idea to recognize the symptoms and have some tips to deal with it.
Read MoreFor most college students, the allure of studying abroad can be intoxicating. That’s because students tend to initially focus on the “abroad” part. But make no mistake about it: studying abroad is a serious undertaking.
Read MoreGuest blogger Michael Flatt, co-founder of StudentsGoneGlobal.com, shares how he started his own website to enable students to share and learn from each others’ study abroad stories before, during and after the experience.
Read MoreIf you have studied abroad in the past five years, please take this survey designed to inform my next book. Pass it on to others who have as well!
Read MoreBeth Cubanski writes about the important role foreign language learning has played in her life so far and her exchange student experience while still in high school. She’s currently a freshman at American U in Washington, D.C.
Read MoreGuest blogger Kelly Loughlin, a recent graduate now living and working in San Francisco, advises students on the ins and outs of the important study abroad experience.
Read MoreMBA programs are incorporating study abroad in their curricula. Approaches vary but mandatory time abroad working on a specific business problem is proving most valuable. Two schools leading the pack are Yale School of Management and George Washington University’s Global MBA program. Yale SOM revamped its curriculum in 2006 by replacing standard finance and marketing […]
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