By Guest Blogger Brian Hirsch, Director of Career Services for Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. It is always great to talk to students who have an understanding of the inter-connectedness of the world into which they will graduate. I often get comments, sometimes thrown out rather casually, that students are interested in international work […]
Read MoreMy next book, Go Global! Launching an International Career Here or Abroad, is a little late due to some technical difficulties (that’s what happens when you’re a trailblazer!) but it should hit the app store and eBook shelves this summer — just in time for students to take a copy with them as they head […]
Read MoreGuest Blogger Leslie Forman describes why teaching English in China is the best way to launch your job in China.
Read MoreBeth Cubanski writes about the important role foreign language learning has played in her life so far and her exchange student experience while still in high school. She’s currently a freshman at American U in Washington, D.C.
Read MoreGuest blogger Kelly Crissy shares her Model United Nations experience over the past two years, including how it has helped her begin to understand the need for proper preparation for working cross-culturally.
Read MoreOriginally appeared on Huffington Post on Feb. 15. Although business schools aspire to deliver global MBAs to students, it seems the vast majority are falling short in actual achievement. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) released a report last week titled “The Globalization of Managements Education: Changing International Structures, Adaptive Strategies, and […]
Read MoreI give a fair number of speeches and participate in many career conferences and panels across the country — both on campuses and within organizations — and almost always the question comes up: What can I do to increase my odds of being sent on a global assignment? The answer is: Many things of course, […]
Read MoreWall Street Journal’s India Real Time notes that in 2011, Indian companies are ramping up hiring to sustain their rapid growth. Industries include construction & real estate, pharmaceuticals, education, manufacturing and retail.
Read MoreUnemployment remains at record-highs in Japan for new graduates, which does not bode well for the country overall as the tradition of hiring new workers as retiring workers go upsets the economic apple cart.
Read MoreStudy abroad matters and although it’s expensive, there are ways to make it work — and new places to go such as China, India and South Africa.
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