Go Global! Due Out this Summer
My next book, Go Global! Launching an International Career Here or Abroad, is a little late due to some technical difficulties (that’s what happens when you’re a trailblazer!) but it should hit the app store and eBook shelves this summer — just in time for students to take a copy with them as they head back to school.
Go Global! addresses the challenges and opportunities of today’s economy — when the need to understand how to compete in the global marketplace is more important than ever — head-on. It focuses on what students and young professionals need to know as they look for jobs, and delivers straightforward practical tips and advice on how to Go Global! in an engaging and interactive way.
Go Global! is a special book, and the first “living book” of its kind. It combines the best elements of a how-to guide written by an international careers expert, with thoughtful questions and comments offered up in an ongoing dialogue with you, the reader. But unlike other how-to guides about fast-moving targets, this one won’t be outdated in a few months. The latest insights and information you will need to launch an international career will be updated every month or so.
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Hi Stacie! I would love to read your e-book Go Global- but I don’t have a kindle. Is there any other option? Thanks!