The global economy is here. Large-scale employers, multinational companies and all types of organizations want and need, more than ever, employees with international experience. Today’s newly minted grads find themselves on the front lines of an increasingly competitive global marketplace, competing for jobs from Boston to Beijing to Barcelona to Bombay. Students who begin building […]
Read MoreAccording to an article published in Harvard Business Review‘s September 2010 issue, “People who have international experience or identify with more than one nationality are better problem solvers and display more creativity.” EXACTLY. Essentially, professionals with such experience prove to be better managers overall. Organizations need and want such managers. That’s what Perry and I have been saying ever since Get […]
Read MoreBy Rebecca Weiner, guest blogger It’s back to school time, time for little kids to learn big ideas about our complex world. How can we ensure that along with ABCs and 1-2-3s, our kids gain the global awareness needed for an ever-more inter-connected future? My daughter Sarah’s kindergarten at our local public school, Edgewood, offers […]
Read MoreThe United States may be the only industrialized nation in the world where it’s possible to complete secondary and post-secondary education without any foreign language study whatsoever. Although most high schools and colleges/universities sometimes require one or two years of foreign language study for graduation, this small effort won’t suffice if our students are to […]
Read MoreOne of my recent guest bloggers, Rebecca Weiner, wrote about the importance of exposing children to global and cross-cultural experiences. In my daughters’ school today, the PTO sponsored Destiny Africa, a children’s choir of the Kampala Children Centre in Uganda. The choir played pulsating drums, danced to the beat and sang with happy hearts for an hour, inspiring the […]
Read MoreHere’s an interesting article from the Global Times on one Chinese student’s approach to the competitive job search. He’s certainly aggressive!
Read MoreThe Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange released on Nov. 15 reported a decrease in the number of American students studying abroad. Published annually by the Institute of International Education — with funding from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs — the report shows that 260,327 students studied abroad for […]
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