Recent Grads Head Overseas for Jobs

Many U.S. college graduates discouraged by the tight job market are finding leaving the country to find jobs, adventure and lay the foundation for an international resume.

Even with the economy showing some sparks of growth, new grads nationwide face a particularly difficult job market. Across the country, unemployment holds steady at 9-10 percent, while new graduate unemployment is much higher — sometimes at 20-40 percent.

Teaching English, serving in the Peace Corps and applying for entry-level jobs in such faraway places as China, South Korea and South Africa.

Check out these recent articles:

The California Aggie:

Sacramento Bee:



If you decide to go overseas, consider taking our book along with you, GET AHEAD BY GOING ABROAD; It can help you make the most of your time personally and professionally while on the ground in your new home — as well as when you return.

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