Speaking of Success: Languages & Careers

The ability to communicate in multiple languages is a valuable commodity in today’s job market.
According to recent research done by the Financial Times, bilingual employees make better managers and leaders. Knowing another language enables you to communicate with colleagues, customers or clients in other countries and cultures—but it also helps you understand the rich, complex global world we live in — on a deeper level.
These skills translate across all types of careers working for large multinational organizations like Coca-Cola, Toyota or the World Bank……or a small business or food pantry in your local community. Language skills are beneficial if you serve your government as a member of the civil service or diplomatic core……and are just as relevant if you’re an engineer, a nurse, a journalist or an accountant……whether you speak Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, Hindi or English as your “other” language.
Whatever language is your passion, the time you have spent thus far, no matter your level, is a GIFT that should be used as a foundation for more learning and as a means for differentiating yourself in school, at university, in your job search and throughout your career.
I recently had the opportunity to lead a dynamic panel discussion about the value of multiple language skills across a variety of professions and careers that included four inspiring women who shared their experiences on:
- How have their language skills helped them in their careers thus far?
- What trends and opportunities do they see emerging in the workforce.
- How have they kept up their language skills – and much more!
Take a look, get motivated and KEEP STUDYING LANGUAGES!
Thanks to Maria Villaquiran, Yingying Zou, Naz Manji and Connie Berdan for their insight, encouragement and practical tips on why you should keep studying–or start anew!–another language.