!Best Seller!
Como padre, usted puede abogar por los estudios en el extranjero a raíz de considerarlos un componente esencial para la educación de su hijo.
Estudiar en el extranjero debería formar parte de la educación de todo estudiante universitario. Estudiar en el extranjero dota al estudiante de habilidades practicás relacionadas con la vida real que ningún salón de clases puede igualar.
“….dejen que respiren a sus hijos.”
Publicado por IIE & AIFS Foundation
Read MoreLos Angeles Book Festival Honorable Mention
Today’s children need to develop a global mindset – an indispensable tool for success.
Enthusiastically praised by parents and professionals alike, Raising Global Children is filled with inspiring advice that will change the way you think about parenting.
“We must all teach our children to live in a big world, even if we grow up in a small town.”
Published by American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Read MoreEvery student who wants to succeed in the global economy should study abroad.
Three leading experts join forces to offer the most comprehensive advice from choosing the right program through leveraging the experience in your job search. Packed with practical “how to” information offered in a fun and engaging style including 100 easy-to-follow tips and dozens of real-life stories.
“Inspiring, practical, vivid. Must-read for college students + their parents.”
Published by Institute of International Education & AIFS Foundation
Read MoreWinner of USA Book News’ “International Business Book Award”
Winner of Axiom’s “Career Award”
Going overseas can fast-track your career, broaden your professional capabilities and expand your personal horizons beyond your wildest dreams. This easy-to-read book is packed with practical tips, helpful hints and step-by-step advice from seasoned pros who’ve gone global.
“…a must-read for anyone serious about going global.”
– Fortune
Published by HarperCollins
Read MoreWinner of USA Book News’ “International Business Book Award”
Winner of Axiom’s “Career Award”
Going overseas can fast-track your career, broaden your professional capabilities and expand your personal horizons beyond your wildest dreams. This easy-to-read book is packed with practical tips, helpful hints and step-by-step advice from seasoned pros who’ve gone global.
“…a must-read for anyone serious about going global.”
– Fortune
Published by HarperCollins
Read MoreGlobal is everywhere. Competition is fierce. Are you prepared?
Filled with practical advice on developing a global mindset to compete, this book is the go-to resource for students and young professionals looking to go global….building your global brand…..nailing your elevator pitch, cover letter, resume and online presence….identifying high-growth markets and sectors.
“In a rapidly globalized world, our generation either becomes international players – or we’re left behind.”
Published by SNB Media LLC
Read MoreLorem ipsum sample link dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed cursus, nulla a egestas tristique, libero leo sodales sapien, vel luctus libero nisi vel nibh. Suspendisse ultrices, leo quis dignissim rutrum, nibh arcu vestibulum velit, eget vehicula sem felis in ante. Donec condimentum sem nec libero accumsan sed accumsan odio luctus. Curabitur ac vehicula […]
Read MoreStacie Nevadomski Berdan discusses the merits of living and working abroad as a woman. Her first book, Get Ahead By Going Abroad: A Woman’s Guide to Fast-track Career Success, won two business and career awards.
Read MoreA Q&A with NY Post reporter on why global careers are important and what make a successful cross-cultural worker.
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